Recognize your team through Slack

To get started, install RecognitionNow

Instructions to get the appcode:
Enter your company-specific App Code.
Please contact your program administrator. or Email Us

How it works...

Simply type /recognize to recognize co-workers and follow the steps below

Step recipients

Simply select one or more recipients and you're on your way. It's that easy!

Step a program

Choose the program from which you want to assign recognition points. The number of available points (if you have a budget) will be displayed alongside the program title.

Step Three...allocate points

Assign the desired number of points to the chosen recipients. You can also choose to recognize people without allocating points.

Step a behavior

The behavior the recipients have demonstrated is the reason for the recognition, so be sure to match the right behavior with the right recipient!

Step Five...write a message

You get to add a personal touch by crafting a meaningful message to each recipient. Simply tap or click "send" when you're finished.

All done!

A message confirming the recognition will appear.

Simply type /shop, and let the shopping fun begin!

Simply type /balance to learn your current points balance.